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Princeton Joint Unified School District

Princeton Joint Unified School District

Core Beliefs & Mission

PJUSD Believes
All students and staff must be safe and secure at all times.
All students can learn.
All students must be given the opportunity to succeed.
All students deserve quality teachers and leaders.
Students and staff require mutual respect.
All students deserve a meaningful and relevant education.
Valuing ethnic, cultural, and individual diversity is essential.
Parental involvement is fundamental to the educational process and student achievement.
Our Mission
  • Provide the climate, facilities and services that will promote quality education in a safe environment.
  • Ensure that our instructional program is standards-based, intellectually challenging, and developmentally appropriate for each student.
  • Provide programs and resources designed to support students’ diverse academic, social, and emotional needs.
  • Attract, develop, and retain highly competent and effective teachers, administrators, and support staff.
  • Ensure financial stability and program evolvement through fiscal accountability and efficient management of financial resources and district assets.