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Princeton Joint Unified School District

Princeton Joint Unified School District

Career Pathways

Program of Study for Career Pathways
Princeton High School
473 State Street
Princeton, CA 95970
(530) 439-2261   Fax: (530) 517-6260
Program of Study for Career Pathways:
All Princeton High School students are strongly encouraged to develop goals and plans for life after high school graduation. Students may choose to select a career pathway in one of the career-related Programs of Study offered at Princeton. This choice is a collaborative effort involving students, parents, teachers, and counselor. Students will select a career pathway that reflects their interests and abilities leading to the achievement of personal, education, and career goals. During registration each spring, students will have the opportunity to reevaluate their goals and adjust their plans accordingly.
 Three Career Pathway Programs of Study have been established:
  • Health - w/emphasis on medical careers
  • Manufacturing (Welding)
  • Ag. Science
Based on their choices, students will be able to follow our Curriculum Framework which organizes our course offerings based on a student’s long-term college and career goals. No matter whether a pathway is chosen, the high school graduation core requirements are the same. The intent of the Curriculum Framework is to clearly advise students of recommended elective choices concentrating on the courses which provide the best preparation for post–secondary education and employment.  
We believe using a career-related school approach to teaching and learning will help students to see the relevance of their course work and its connection to their future.  Princeton’s Career Pathways will allow greater personalization and provide opportunities for stronger relationships among students and staff. Our students will benefit from focused goal-setting as well as college and career planning. Students who complete the three (Ag. Science and Manufacturing pathway courses) or four (Health Pathway) pathway courses, consisting of an Introductory, Concentrator, and Capstone course, will be recognized as having completed a Career Pathway Program of Study.  In making wise college and career choices, students benefit greatly from real world work experience in their occupational area of interest. There are a number of local businesses and work sites that are supporting Princeton student job shadow observations, other work-based learning experiences and pending coordination future opportunities for internships. Please note however, it may not be possible to arrange an internship for each student who is interested.
At Princeton Jr./Sr. High School, a Career Pathway is a series of connected education and training programs and student support services that enable individuals to secure a job or advance in a demand industry or occupation. Princeton Career Pathways focus on easing and facilitating student transition from high school to community college; from pre-college courses to credit postsecondary programs; and from community college to university or employment. For many people, the path to a good career takes you through community college or technical training. But setting out on that path can seem overwhelming to those who’ve never considered pursuing further education.

Princeton’s Career Pathway programs prepares students for college and offers concurrent enrollment opportunities through Community College (Butte College) and/or CSU, Chico for qualifying students in grades 11th and 12th. At Princeton we support our student’s next steps as they transition to community college, 4 year universities or technical training schools. 
Princeton’s Career Pathway programs offers student’s opportunities to:
  • Explore different career opportunities (9th grade Career Choices course, Glenn County 10th Grade Career Speaker Day and 9th -12th  grade attendance to career fair opportunities: Northern California Annual Manufacturing Expo; GCOE 8th and 10th grade Glenn County Office of Education Career Fair; Butte College Career Fair and Career Days, plus ASVAB Career Exploration (Armed Services Vocational Apititude Battery)
  • Create a career and/or training plan to address the student’s short- and long-term goals (Princeton career pathway identification/selection, development of the Student’s Academic  4-Year-Plan)
  • Be guided through the enrollment process (participation in Butte College Reg-2-Go program and/or student support for students applying for CSU/UC,)
  • Get help finding funding for college, including applying for financial aid (offering a Cash For College Workshop at the Princeton campus, posting/notifications of Scholarship opportunities)
  • Learn good study skills and habits
  • Take tour of local community college (Butte College, CSU Chico and/or UC Davis)
  • Get individualized support from our staff and/or Academic Counselor
 Princeton High School Curriculum Framework
HEALTH PATHWAY Grades 9th - 12th  
1. Biology (Introductory course) and Careers
2. Chemistry** (Concentrator course) and
3. Anatomy/Physiology ** (Completer course)
4. Medical Terminology - concurrent enrollment at Butte College (recommended as Capstone class)
 **Note: these courses are only offered every other school year
Princeton High School Curriculum Framework
1. Agriculture Shop 1 (Introductory course)
2. Agriculture Shop 2 (Concentrator course)
3.  Agriculture Mechanics (Completer course)
AG. SCIENCE PATHWAY Grades 9th - 12th
1. Agriculture Earth Science
2. Agriculture Biology
3. Animal Anatomy & Plant Physiology
Schoolwide Support Program for Students Failing Pathway Course/Courses.
Students registered in pathway curriculum courses (Introductory, Concentrator and Completer courses, Plus CTE capstone courses) will receive regularly scheduled progress and/or quarter grades. In addition notification of a student’s academic progress reports are mailed to parents for each grading period. If a student’s academic progress places them at risk of failing a course, Princeton staff focus on how to best support the student moving forward. First staff determine if a low grade (or low grades) is the exception or the pattern. Did the student fail one class of the semester but do well in others or is a pattern emerging? Staff, the student and parent assist in helping determine the contributing factors to the student’s poor performance. This evaluation may take place in the form of: (1) a parent/guardian-teacher consult or conference, (2) or student-teacher conference, (3) Student Study Team Meeting (student, parent/guardian, teachers, academic counselor, school administrator/Principal and if applicable special education staff), and/or (3) school administrator parent-student conference or consultation or (4) counselor parent-student conference or consultation.  In addition throughout the semester teacher(s) will consult with the student and help develop improved strategies for addressing contributors to the lack of the student’s performance and then assist the student with developing goals for improvement.
Credit Recovery Options Available to Students if a Student Fails a Class:
(1). A student can reenroll in a class at Princeton taking the course the next time the class is offered, retaking the course for the semester they didn’t receive a passing grade.
(2). Students in good academic standing and receiving administration approval can be enrolled as a concurrent students at the Glenn Adult Education Program to retake a course as a credit recovery alternative. This is an independent program from Princeton Joint Unified School District. Student class enrollment and attendance is scheduled after the regular instructional school day. The Glenn Adult Education Program is also a summer school attendance option.
(3). Students can enroll in the online/virtual classroom UC Scout (University of California Scout) Advance Placement (AP) or College Prep classes to help student get back on the high School graduation and college track. See for current course offerings, class date/times and fee schedule. Fees for these classes are the student/parent's responsibility. Student scholarships are also available to qualifying students, please see web site for further information and specific details. Student class enrollment and attendance is scheduled after the regular instructional school day.
(4) Students can enroll as a concurrent student at Butte College and/or CSU, Chico or other fully accredited online school to retake or take an equivalent coursework class for high school credits. Before online school enrollment, students need prior approval from Princeton Administration to ensure credit requirements meet California Department of Education requirements. College level course enrollment and attendance is scheduled after the regular instructional high school day.
Princeton Jr./Sr. High School Eagles